Making sure that every new building is good for people and good for the planet

As a specialist energy, energy procurement and environment consultancy, it’s our mission to provide developers and builders with practical, forward-thinking advice and ensure that every new building is good for people and good for the planet.

ESCO Tendering

Heat Networks & Utilities

Energy Service Companies (ESCos) offer specialist services to deliver heat network services at all stages of the project lifecycle. ESCos ...

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Trent Park


Trent Park, Enfield Our client, Berkeley Homes NE London, planned a comprehensive and sensitive refurbishment of several Grade II Listed ...

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Chris Ward

Principal Consultant

Chris has over 20 years’ experience as a sustainability professional covering all aspects of the built environment and is a ...

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The support we offer ranges from creating energy and environmental strategies with a consistent record of gaining planning consent to advising on the specifics of things like heating, embodied carbon and solar and thermal modelling