We are delighted to have supported Homes for Lambeth in devising an integrated energy, sustainability and overheating strategy for the first two of their ten small sites; Hydethorpe Road and former Patmos Lodge Care Home site. The planning consents were approved by the London Borough of Lambeth Planning Committee in June 2020. This is great news, considering the challenges facing smaller schemes in implementing the particularly onerous requirements.
The development at Hydethorpe Road will deliver 14 new homes of which 6 will be affordable and the development on the former Patmos Lodge Care Home site will deliver 31 new homes of which 50% will be affordable housing.
The development of the energy strategy comes during a period of significant change in relation to the regulatory and policy landscape. Designing in measures which essentially ‘lock-in’ an excellent carbon performance was thus a fundamental priority for these projects. The provision of distinguished fabric standards, MVHR systems, and individual air source heat pumps for all homes ensures an exemplary standard of low carbon design is accommodated. We were able to advise the design team that a communal heating system would not be appropriate for the size of the developments and following this, the implications of individual air source heat pumps on the proposed design.
Overheating was considered in line with the energy strategy and site-specific acoustic mitigation measures, with passive measures such as natural ventilation, reduced glazing g-values and overshadowing from balconies prioritised. This enabled us to formulate a strategy compliant with CIBSE TM59 Guidance and Policy SI4 of the Intend to Publish London Plan.
We also prepared a Sustainability Statement for the developments, proposing reduced internal water usage, cycle parking, sustainable drainage systems, green roofs and material and waste efficiency measures.
We look forward to continuing our work with Homes for Lambeth in delivering these developments.
Posted on October 22nd, 2020
Author: Zoë Croft
Related services: Sustainability Statements, Energy Statements, Overheating Assessment, Whole Life Cycle Carbon Assessments, Circular Economy Statements,