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The BRE aim to review and update the BREEAM UK New Construction manual and standards every three to four years, this is done to ensure that it remains current and up to date. As the last manual was released in early 2014 they are now undergoing preparations for the updated New Construction manual. Consultation for this manual is underway with the new manual expected to go live in early 2018.

If you’d like to contribute to our consultation response please forward any comments you may have to our lead BREEAM assessor:

All technical issues within the manual will be reviewed to ensure that the requirements continue to deliver value and that they are up to date with recent developments within the industry, best practice standards, regulation & policy. However, for some issues, the update may result in more significant changes. The following key issues that have been identified as a focus for the update include:

  • Transport
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Resilience
  • Materials
  • Unregulated/Embodied Energy

Hodkinson’s will be involved in the various consultation events hosted by the BRE to ensure that all feedback is taken into consideration in the production of the new 2018 manual.