Heat networks are complex systems. From the physics of moving pressurised fluid to the chemistry of water quality, it can be challenging to make it all work. All too often these complexities end up being overlooked and at hand-over the acceptance criteria is reduced to “customers are getting hot water”. The price is heat losses, inefficiency, system malfunction and unhappy and overcharged customers.
This is where our new Heat Network Validation Engineering service comes in. By helping you define key acceptance parameters at the early stages, you’ll be sure to be asking the right questions before accepting the system. We’ll also review technical documentation for compliance and make sure the commissioning strategy addresses what matters.
As the project evolves we’ll carry out reassurance audits and attend witnessing sessions, providing you with an independent “pair of eyes” and the know-how to ask the right questions. To bring the project full circle, at post-construction we’ll help you collate all relevant information and scrutinise a sample of it to ensure the information is useful and accurate.
This is the process through which your system is validated and, eventually, accepted. It will give you the peace of mind of having an independent specialist verifying that what you have paid for is what you get.
Posted on June 12th, 2019
Author: Igor Esteves
Related services: Masterplanning & Strategy, Design Stage, Construction Stage, Heat Network Performance Evaluation,