Technical newsletters about emerging issues & our latest research

Is Hydrogen the Future of the Gas Grid?

Posted on December 16th 2020

Whilst the Prime Minister’s 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution talks up decarbonisation of the gas grid, and therefore heat, with Hydrogen, it is far from clear that this will be the case. Unlike for electricity, there is no funded decarbonisation trajectory for gas nor any logical technological solution to achieving anything other than modest decarbonisation. For instance: …

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Changes to Heat Networks Regulations

Posted on December 16th 2020

Heat network operators should not be disconcerted by the recent changes to the Heat Networks Metering and Billing Regulations which came into effect on 27th November 2020. Most district and community heating networks installed after 2014 satisfy the metering requirements stipulated by these Regulations and will need to do nothing until their 4yr heat network notification has expired. The new …

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Green Roofs and PV Panels?

Posted on December 16th 2020

The integration of photovoltaic (PV) panels alongside green roofs has the potential to improve panel efficiency whilst also increasing species diversity and habitats, allowing for a wider variety of vegetation to flourish. Green roof and PV systems are two technologies that can contribute to sustainable building development and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. When they are combined together on the …

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Home Quality Mark a successor to legacy Code for Sustainable Homes Requirements?

Posted on November 24th 2020

For developers keen to promote construction quality and sustainability standards, and potential benefiting from higher market values, the Home Quality Mark offers an up-to-date alternative to legacy planning conditions requiring Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH) certification. Developments that received planning permission before 2015 may be required to achieve council-set levels of the CfSH Standard, especially if it was required through …

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Thinking of connecting to an existing CHP network? Beware the spectre of new part L

Posted on November 24th 2020

The trajectory as set out in the New London Plan and consultation Part L 2020 is clear in relation to new gas Combined Heat & Power (CHP). It is heavily discouraged in the former and will not comply under the latter. But what of connections to networks with existing or already consented CHP? Well, until the release of the adopted …

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Enhanced Acoustic Capability

Posted on November 24th 2020

We are pleased to announce that Colin Cobbing has joined us to lead the Hodkinson Acoustics Team. Colin is recognised as a leading expert in the UK in planning and noise and has significantly influenced and shaped best practice in the UK in noise assessment and sustainable design and has been closely involved in the production of many of the …

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CIBSE Weather File vs. 2020

Posted on November 24th 2020

Our data shows that the summer of 2020 was hotter than the climate data used in overheating modelling. Good quality homes should be designed to last a lifetime, yet overheating mitigation strategies are currently developed using 2020s weather files. It could be argued that these weather files are now out of date, as we are coming towards the end of …

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Homes for Lambeth Planning Success

Posted on October 22nd 2020

We are delighted to have supported Homes for Lambeth in devising an integrated energy, sustainability and overheating strategy for the first two of their ten small sites; Hydethorpe Road and former Patmos Lodge Care Home site. The planning consents were approved by the London Borough of Lambeth Planning Committee in June 2020. This is great news, considering the challenges facing …

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Be Seen – The new London Plan requirement

Posted on October 22nd 2020

Through their new ‘be seen’ policy, the GLA are seeking to address a performance gap apparent between design estimates and actual in-use energy demands. Whilst the guidance for the policy is still under consultation, the GLA are looking for the following, amongst other items: Installation of gas, heat & electricity meters that enable central collation of data; Submission of design …

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Selection of Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) units

Posted on October 22nd 2020

Selection of Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) units is fraught with peril, often restricting available operators and/or increasing residents’ bills. While the industry is moving towards predominantly ‘open’ PAYG systems, most manufacturers only offer access to a limited number of operators. Systems which have Open API offer the most flexibility. However, it may be the case that even when the manufacturer is willing …

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