Our track record equips us to respond to challenging situations

Client: Wates Residential (& Be First)

Location: Barking and Dagenham

Architect: TP Bennett

Accommodation: 277 apartments, 46 houses and 11 maisonettes

Status: First completions in 2026

Our Work: Home Quality Mark, LCA, Circular Economy, Thermal Bridging, Condensation, SAP, Be Seen

We are supporting Wates in the delivery of Gascoigne Phase 3B in the wider regeneration of the Gascoigne Estate in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

The homes have been designed with energy efficiency in mind with all dwellings connected to the Barking district heating network and we’re working along the design team to maximise savings throughout construction. We’re also working continually throughout the design and construction stags on circular economy and whole life carbon strategies, looking for opportunities for improvements wherever possible.

All dwellings are being assessed using the Home Quality Mark (HQM) Scheme, ensuring future residents have clear and independent information about their home’s expected costs, health and wellbeing benefits, and environmental footprint.