Energy Statements

Energy Planning Statements are required by many Local Planning Authorities to show how developments are meeting their local sustainability policies for energy and CO2 reduction. Our chartered Planners know the planning system inside out and have a firm grasp on what it takes to achieve planning consent, but we’re also very familiar with the real-life technologies and know what systems and ideas do and don’t work in practice. We can help you tick all the right boxes, while keeping your developer happy and getting the best outcome for the people who will live or work in the building in the future. Plus our in-house expertise includes a team of Chartered Town Planners, who complement our technical specialists and make sure that planning policy and local authority requirements are appropriately considered on all our projects.
Our approach is to work with the design team right from the concept stage, so that the cutting-edge, cost-effective and technically-sound technologies we specify can be seamlessly built into the development. Our experience on a broad range of residential and commercial developments combined with our expertise in SAP, SBEM and BREEAM certification means that what we suggest at the planning stage will always be deliverable during construction. We’re always up to speed with the requirements of Building Regulations Part L and keep an eye on changing legislation and planning policy, so that our energy strategies are future-proofed to meet likely changes in Building Regulations requirements – especially on large schemes that will be built out over many years.