UKGBC Releases Technical Papers on Health and Wellbeing in Homes – with the help of Hodkinson Consultancy
With the help of our technical input, the UK Green Building Council has recently launched a suite of technical papers on health and wellbeing in homes. This builds on their Health and Wellbeing in Homes report launched in July last year, to which Hodkinson Consultancy was a key contributor.
The papers build on the guidance provided in the full report, looking in detail at three important aspects of environmental design:
- Daylight and Sunlight;
- Indoor Air Quality and Materials Selection (in relation to VOC emissions); and
- Acoustics.
These are three areas that we feel are increasingly important for designing high quality homes. As a consultancy, we are focussing on development of our services in these key areas.
The latest technical papers were launched at Ecobuild at the beginning of March. UK-GBC has worked with Arup to produce these papers, and asked us to review them from a technical perspective. They provide design advice and technical information for clients and design teams.
The technical papers are available to download from the UK-GBC website.